IT Trends & Technology Blog | FNTS

Navigating Big Data in Healthcare: Solutions for Today's Challenges

Written by FNTS Blog | May 29, 2018

As big data continues its exponential growth in healthcare, it presents unique challenges and opportunities for storage, access, and actionable analytics. The complexity of healthcare information technology systems (HIT) has led to data silos, complicating the efficient use of data. Addressing these challenges requires a strategic approach to data collection, processing, and integrity, ensuring that data can be effectively utilized for actionable insights.

Data Quality, Storage, and Integration

In the healthcare sector, the quality of data is critical for improving clinical outcomes, maintaining regulatory compliance, and making informed decisions regarding patient care. The presence of corrupt, inaccurate, or duplicate data can compromise patient safety and healthcare service quality. Therefore, it's essential to employ data cleansing tools to ensure data integrity before it is analyzed or used for decision-making.

For healthcare enterprises looking to manage and analyze their data effectively, FNTS offers Healthcare Cloud Solutions that provide a secure, scalable, and compliant environment for handling healthcare data. These solutions are designed to support the complex needs of healthcare organizations, enabling them to leverage big data analytics without the limitations of traditional storage systems.

Hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) offers another pathway for healthcare organizations to manage their growing data needs. By virtualizing data center infrastructure components, HCI provides enhanced control, visibility, and scalability, facilitating easier access and analytics of big data.

AI, Machine Learning, and Big Data

The vast datasets available in healthcare hold the potential for transformative insights when analyzed with the right tools. AI and machine learning technologies offer powerful means to process both structured and unstructured data, assisting in diagnostics, treatment planning, and early diagnosis through advanced analytics.

Healthcare organizations are increasingly turning to solutions like IBM Watson Health™ for cognitive computing capabilities that enable deep data analysis, revealing actionable insights to address critical healthcare challenges.

Big Data Security, Compliance, and Governance

The security, compliance, and governance of big data in healthcare are paramount, especially in light of potential data breaches and regulatory scrutiny. With the rising incidents of data breaches, a robust Identity Access Management (IAM) strategy becomes essential for regulating data access and ensuring compliance with healthcare standards.

FNTS’s Business Intelligence and Data Analytics services provide healthcare organizations with the tools and insights needed to integrate, analyze, and secure their data. These solutions support seamless information sharing across the care continuum and ensure compliance with healthcare standards and regulations.

Additionally, staying informed about regulatory changes is crucial for healthcare organizations. FNTS offers guidance and insights through resources like the blog post on staying ahead of regulatory compliance changes, helping organizations navigate the complex landscape of healthcare regulations and avoid the risks associated with data breaches and penalties.


As healthcare organizations navigate the complexities of big data, partnering with a Managed Service Provider (MSP) like FNTS can offer the expertise, technology, and strategic planning needed to overcome these challenges. By leveraging FNTS’s specialized healthcare cloud solutions, data analytics expertise, and compliance insights, healthcare enterprises can effectively manage their data, derive actionable insights, and maintain the highest standards of patient care and data security.