IT Trends & Technology Blog | FNTS

Self-Provisioning, what does it mean for you?

Written by Kim Whittaker | September 22, 2015

A key characteristic First National Technology Solutions (FNTS) prides itself on is the flexibility available to customers. This quality is particularly demonstrated in a project Vice President of Sales, Kim Whittaker is involved in: offering cloud self-provisioning.

As of right now, most of FNTS’ servers are on a fixed monthly fee. For many clients this is fine, however a problem may present itself if a customer were to request use of the server for time periods shorter than a month. With the implementation of self-provisioning, the billing adjusts for shorter time periods. “If they want to stand it up for a week to do some testing, then tear it back down, they’re only going to be required to pay for those seven days,” says Whittaker.

In short, it gives clients a more cost effective option if they want to use the server periodically throughout the month. As a result, FNTS will be offering daily fees once self-provisioning is officially rolled out.

Not only would self-provisioning allow for a more cost effective product, but it would also grant clients more options for independent customization. For instance it would allow customers to deploy their own servers, make adjustments to the CPU, memory and configuration settings of the server independently.

As of right now, the key is figuring out which features the customer will receive, and how they’re to be charged for the services. Once a plan is set in action, and self-provisioning is deployed, it will be another way FNTS provides a greater array of quality service for clients.

To find out more about self-provisioning and other services FNTS offers, check out the FNTS site

(Blog written by Jamey Schilling, Marketing Intern and Marquette University Student)