IT Trends & Technology Blog | FNTS

Technology Solutions Spotlight: Dan Kurtz

Written by FNTS Blog | July 22, 2015

Meet Dan Kurtz. As a Business Development Manager at First National Technology Solutions (FNTS) his role requires him to work with partners. This includes resellers, channel partners, and strategic vendors such as EMC Cisco or IBM. Currently his biggest project has him working with CISCO to make FNTS a CISCO certified cloud provider. 

In addition Kurtz is also involved with direct sales, and trying to secure the sale from partner leads and potential customers. 

What are the most important aspects for successfully completing his job? For Kurtz, three things come to mind:

  • Who you are, personal relationships. “It always comes down to who you are. People buy from people and that’s just the way it is.”
  • Having the right product. “You have to have the right solution for a customer at the right time.”
  • Being Flexible. “Everybody when they negotiate contracts is looking for something different, looking to give in a certain way, and you have to be flexible enough to accept that. At the same time you have to understand how it affects your business.”

As it turns out, these same three principals are also applicable internally within the company. “You have to be able to get along with your coworkers, understand what the products are and be flexible to maneuver inside that,” says Kurtz.

As for the best part of his job? For Kurtz, it’s the people. “It’s a good company to work for, they actually care about their people,” he says.  

To find out more about FNTS and the products Kurtz sells, check out

(Blog written by Jamey Schilling, Marketing Intern and Marquette University Student)